Monday, April 26, 2010

Read the Fine Print!

After about a half hour of mucking around with a problem I was having with labels on this site, I FINALLY went to the site's "KNOWN PROBLEMS" section. Who knew? Gotta read the fine print.

After realizing that a savings account I had left untouched for a year was being charged $10 per month for being dormant, while paying about three cents per month in interest, I went digging through old "junk" mail from BankAtlantic. Lo and behold, there in the actually not-so-fine print was the notification that if I didn't stand on my head and whistle dixie, they would continue to do this until I owed THEM money! Gotta read the fine print.

After getting into a brawl with Bank of America (albeit a more or less polite one--customer service reps. don't make policy; they barely make a living) over an error on their part, which is, of course, unimaginable, I asked them to close my account, and indicate that it was at my request. Well, wasn't that silly. On learning that this is not the way they do things, that in fact they only close accounts THEY want to close, I went back and read the fine print. Something to the effect of no distinction being made when reporting account closings as to whether or not it was the customer's request. Gotta read the fine print.

I've been "bolding" GOTTA READ THE FINE PRINT because it's such an important thing to remember. It's also important to remember everything one sees in bold type. Note that Gotta read the fine print is bold throughout here. So, do keep the following in mind: Bank of America is run by a bunch of robber barons, who are too stupid to figure out that the customers they complain about who aren't paying are being bled dry by their interest rates, fees and charges, and could probably pay off their bills in a month were it not for the B of A's own stupid policies.

1 comment:

  1. I'm about as fed up with labels as I am with Bank of America!
