Monday, April 19, 2010

The Answer to the Title Question

Probably not too many people. In fact, lately what I notice is that very few people care what anyone else thinks, but everyone is putting what THEY think out there. They blog, therefore, they are. So it seems fair enough to me, that as I always have too much to say about far too many things that are either a) none of my business or b)beyond my minuscule sphere of influence, that I too shall join the blogging masses. Some things I will continue just to "Bartleby", which is my verb for things I choose not to do. I still can't get my head around the notion of twitter, for example--if not for Andy Borowitz, I'd ignore it completely-- as there is quite enough EIC (electronic interference and confusion) in this small life. Since "cell" became a noun, and "text" a verb, along with my other particular favorites "journaling" and "scrapbooking", and I have even almost accepted the word "functionality", all things timesaving seem to have become time wasting. As I spend the better part of my day online anyway, I might as well "journal" online too. Then, as so many do, I can refer to myself as a writer. A published writer. Sounds good to me. Excellent, in fact. This is a GREAT place to express my most profound and idiotic observations and questions.

First idiotic question: Who in heaven's name invented those flesh colored shoes for old people? Second idiotic question: Why does anyone buy them?

There. Done. I have blogged, therefore I am.

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